
State and Federal Elected Officials

Congressman Mike Thompson
Senator Bill Dodd
Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry

Napa Valley College Board of Trustees

Trustee Michael Baldini
Trustee Rosaura Segura
Trustee Rafael Rios
Trustee Mary Ann Mancuso
Student Trustee Huzaifa Kamran
Former Student Trustee Manveer Sandhu
Former Student Trustee Gabe Sanchez

Napa County of Education

Barbara Nemko Napa County Superintendent
Ann Cash Trustee Area 4

Napa City Council

Mayor Jill Techel
City Councilmember Scott Sedgely
City Councilmember Doris Gentry
City Councilmember Peter Mott
City Councilmember Jim Krider

Napa County Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Belia Ramos
Supervisor Alfredo Pedroza
Supervisor Brad Wagenkenect
Supervisor Diane Dillon
Supervisor Ryan Gregory

Napa County Sheriff

Sheriff John Robertson

Community Leaders and Residents

Amar Abott, Ed.D. Assoc. Professor Taft College
Bill Blair, Former District 4 NVC Trustee
JoAnne Busenbark, Former NVC Trustee and City Council Member
Bruce Ketron, Former NVC Trustee
Dan Digardi, Former NVC Trustee
Alex Myers
Adam Ghisletta
Rafa Ayala, Napa High Soccer Coach
Oscar Corona
Jack Gray
Kelli Stuart, Business owner “Dailey Method
Michael Stuart, Business Owner “MJS Fine Cabinetry
Oscar and Lola Llamas, Owners “Llamas Wines” and “Valley Auto Body”
Andi Eliopollous, St. Helena resident
Dr. Oglesby Napa Native, Mt. George Alumni
Manuel Chavez
Hugo Pedroza
Mary Miller, Napa resident
Dewey Jalaty, Business Owner and long- time Napa Resident
Joe Ghisletta
Chavez Family
Juan and Maribel Martinez
Chris Craiker, Craiker and Associates
Andre and Ria Remesal
Yovanny Rios, Napa small business owner “Unique Mailing
Michael Loose MD
Juan and Miriam Puentes, Owners “Honrama Cellars
Dorothy Salmon
Devereaux Smith
Larry Kamer
Mayor Leon Garcia of American Canyon
Progressive Women of Napa Valley
Napa County Taxpayers Association
Todd Walker, owner “C-Line Express
SEIU Local 1021, representing all classified workers on Napa Valley College Campus

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